Stichting ApneuResearch

The Stichting ApneuResearch is founded by the ApneuVereniging, a non-profit organisation of apnea patients. The objective of the Stichting ApneuResearch is to promote research about sleep apnea, in particular to esteem the prevalence and to investigate the chain of diagnosis and treatment of sleep apnea in the Netherlands. In close collaboration with the ApneuVereniging, the Stichting ApneuResearch especially conducts investigations on sleep apnea subjects that are relevant from the perspective of patients.

The Stichting ApneuResearch has a board of directors with a majority involvement of medical specialists of Dutch sleep clinics. Most of the board members were earlier involved in defining the CBO-directives: diagnosis and treatment of Osas with adult patients. All relevant medical disciplines (pulmonology, ENT (ear- nose-throat), neurology, dental surgery, general practitioners and company medical officers) are represented. The ApneuVereniging keeps a minority participation in the Board of directors.

  • The main asset of the Stichting ApneuResearch is its knowledge of the daily practices in the Netherlands, e.g. based on structural investigations performed yearly by the ApneuVereniging since 2004.
  • Moreover, we know of almost all other apnea-related investigations and pilots that are currently on-going in the Netherlands.
  • We have good relationship with all major players in the Dutch field, such as branch organisations of medical specialists, sleep clinics, (umbrella-organisations of) health insurance companies and suppliers of medical devices.
  • The Stichting ApneuResearch has limited financial resources, but acts regularly as the intermediary for projects that require an independent approach.
  • Also we are able to perform the project management of investigations, enquiries and survey projects in the apnea field. Through its network and publicity channels also in collaboration with the ApneuVereniging, the Stichting has the means to inform peers about investigation results.
  • Results are habitually presented on a well-enrolled Symposium for Professionals, which is held each fall.
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